To Get Your Teen to Open Up Today!
Got Conflict?
I help families with teens and young adults reset their relationships and thrive.
Let's face it. Conflict feels crappy.
It’s frustrating and uncomfortable at best.
Humiliating and demoralizing at worst.
It's frustrating when your words are misconstrued, your actions are misunderstood, and the more you try to make your point the more the other person just digs in.
It's humiliating when things escalate to the point that you cannot get your needs met and you look weak and ineffective to others.

Now one wants to deal with conflict.
But left unchecked it can spiral out of control.
When people get stuck in opposing perspectives and stop speaking the same language about what’s going on, two things happen: either the conflict intensifies and things get outwardly hostile, or the conflicted parties try to avoid the situation altogether and in doing so disconnect from each other.
Neither option feels good, and in both cases the distance between people grows wider and wider.
Few people are confident in their conflict resolution skills. The good news is, these skills can be taught.
Hi, I'm Kristin

My unique method of conflict resolution builds resilience so that long after the conflict is resolved all parties have internalized a set of skills that help them continue to get their needs met, take care of themselves during stressful times, and surround themselves with relationships that feel healthy and supportive.
It's a two-for-one: Resolve your conflict and build resilience.
Conflict ruins relationships. It destroys families. It bankrupts companies. It also provides an unparalleled opportunity to learn, grow, and move toward a better version of whatever you are creating—your business, your family or your life.
Whether you are experiencing corporate conflict as a CEO, business partner or family business owner or if you are experiencing personal conflict in your marriage or family, applying resilience training to conflict resolution will help you far more than resolving the conflict alone.
You will come away not only with a solution to your challenge but also with a newfound level of self-awareness and a powerful skillset for navigating future conflict, performing to your highest potential, and feeling more empowered and happy in your life.
How I Help
CEOs: I help high-performing, highly-successful CEOs, for whom interpersonal conflict is constraining their ability to lead effectively, permanently resolve their communication and relationship problems by giving them skills to accurately identify the underlying cause of the issue and effectively apply the most expedient solution.
Business Partners & Family Business Owners: I help teams and leaders of partnerships and family businesses that are under-performing due to interpersonal conflict and poor communication resolve relationship issues and restructure when necessary by assessing the problem from all sides and aligning the solution with the mission, vision and values of the organization and its leaders.
Divorcing Parents: I help divorcing parents who are experiencing high levels of conflict around their custody arrangements identify co-parenting strategies that allow all parties, including the children, to move from fight-or-flight mode to stabilization mode by getting their needs met, taking care of themselves, and feeling heard and validated in the process.
Individuals: I help individuals who are feeling confused or unsure of themselves due to external or internal conflict gain clarity about what they truly desire and make decisions that feel inspiring by helping them explore their strengths, needs, values and beliefs and teaching them skills to navigate adversity and move toward their desires.
- Couples: I help couples who feel like they are not being heard or understood by their partners learn to communicate in a way that allows both to feel validated by teaching skills that foster openness and allow all parties to get their needs met.
- Teens & Young Adults: I help teens and young adults build self-confidence and find their joy in the face of the often debilitating anxiety that is plaguing their generation by giving them the self-awareness and skills to reconnect to their authentic selves and create an actionable plan for their transition into adulthood.
AN EVIDENCE-BASED METHOD: A Decade of Research Validates My Work
My Research
My programs have been validated in four studies by researchers from Duke Clinical Research Institute.
I have designed resilience training programs for some of the highest performing people on the planet, including Naval Special Warfare Command (Navy SEALs), the Los Angeles Police Department, the National Institutes of Health, and more than 20 hospitals across the country.
Manuscripts from the completed studies have been published in peer-reviewed journals.

MY NEW BOOK: 47 Skills for Building Resilience

My Book
Whether you are navigating a challenging event, a parent who wants to give your child critical skills for success and happiness or you simply wish to feel less stressed as you go about your daily life, this book will empower your mindset... in two minutes or less.
Pulled from my evidence-based curriculum, the 47 skills in the book are the building blocks of resilience:
Tell Empowering Stories About Yourself (#1)
Believe in Your Ability to Learn (#44)
Reject the Tyranny of Positive Thinking (#5)
Open to any page and transform your ability to overcome adversity, dramatically improve your relationships, and experience a profound sense of clarity, confidence and optimism.
Are you ready to permanently resolve the conflict that is damaging your relationships and keeping you from enjoying your self, your work, your family and your life?
If so, give me a call.
All you have to lose is your frustration, fear and sense of loneliness.
Call now: 310-750-9993
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