Bite-Size Resilience Training That Will Change Your Life
Happiness is a mindset—one that involves choosing to think about the experiences you have over the course of a day in a way that allows you to feel good.
Think about how many times a day you have an emotional response to something that happens to you. Are you more likely to get annoyed, frustrated, angry, or fearful? Or do you usually feel curious, interested, excited or grateful?
While our emotional responses rarely feel like a choice in the moment, they are choices.
That is the power of resilience—the ability to choose how you respond to your experiences in a way that allows you to feel and be your best self.
This book teaches you to do that—in two minutes or less.
Seriously, turn to any page, and you'll find a skill you can apply to your life immediately.
It’s that simple.
The book presents 47 skills from my proven resilience training curriculum in a way that everyone can use.
Everyone has two minutes. Isn’t it worth two minutes to feel happier?
A Skill, a Photo, and a Question for Reflection

Two Pages | Two Minutes
Everyone Needs Resilience
CEOs, partners, parents, teachers, and individuals all need to master their emotions and bring their best selves to their relationships.
My unique brand of resilience teaches emotional intelligence, interpersonal skills, and mind-body skills in a way that anyone can learn. Click here for more about My Method.
Skills include:
Tell Empowering Stories About Yourself
Believe in Your Ability to Learn
Reject the Tyranny of Positive Thinking
Pay Attention to How People Receive You
Become Fluent in the Language of Needs
You don't need to read hundreds of pages or spend hours in a seminar. Two minutes will shift your perspective and nudge you in a positive direction.
Use the skills to start conversations.
Use them to teach others.
Use them to feel better.
Just use them.
You will be glad you did.
What People Say
"A 'must read' for anyone who wants to build resilience and achieve peak performance."
Chad Knowles / CEO, Open Drives
"All police officers need Kristin's skills. They help me stay calm in situations that used to make me frustrated and angry."
John Coughlin / Officer, Los Angeles Police Department
"It Takes Two Minutes" but the impact lasted much longer!"
Christine Patterson Winter / Business Owner, Parent